The following holidays are sanctioned but it is up to the individual if they choose to adhere to this list. Celebrations should be done in nature for natures sake when possible.

  • Yule - The Last Saturday in December
  • Lupercalia - February 15
  • Balance Day - March 20
  • Beltane - May 1
  • Midsummer - The Last Saturday in June
  • Autumn Harvest - The Last Saturday in September
  • Halloween - October 31


Yule is celebrated by giving gifts to friends and family. If celebrating in a group a feast will be had. Celebration should be had with white wine.

If you unfamiliar with Yule it is similar to Christmas in that it is celebrated around the same time of the year. In fact Yule was co-opted by Christians and the traditions were almost completely wiped out. You celebrate the ending of year, the winter solstice to be exact, and the beginning of a new year.

In the month of December you can make or purchase a Yule wreath and hang it above your fireplace or on your door. You can purchase a Yule Tree and decorate it simply.  Some pagan faiths will celebrate Yule for much of the month but a Novumist will celebrate on the last Saturday in December you exchange gifts in the morning or afternoon with those who share your faith.


The original Valentines Day Lupercalia will be celebrated by giving a single gift to a loved one. If celebrating in a group a feast will be had with red wine.


Balance Day celebrates the time when the amount of daylight is equal to the amount of nightfall otherwise known as the Spring Equinox. On this day we celebrate the first day of Spring. On March 19th a Novumist will do a full day fast prior to Balance Day. On March 20th for those who choose to celebrate this day should go camping in nature and have a feast by fire. Offerings in celebration should be food burned by campfire or burning bowl.


This day celebrates the beginning of Summer. Those who choose to celebrate this day should go camping in nature and have a feast by fire and accompanied by fresh mead. Offerings in celebration should be food burned by campfire. 


This day celebrates the middle of summer. Those who choose to celebrate this day should go camping in nature and have a feast by fire and be accompanied by pale ale. Offerings in celebration should be food burned by campfire.


This day celebrates the end of summer. Those who choose to celebrate this day should go camping in nature and have a feast by fire and be accompanied by wheat beer. Offerings in celebration should be food burned by campfire.


This day celebrates the day of the dead. Those who celebrate should reflect on those that passed and honor them with prayers to them.