The basics of magick are a very simple concept to understand; you essentially will the world into the direction you need to go. You do this through ritual and through setting and place. Anyone who has done mushrooms or ayahuasca understands the importance of setting and place which is another simple concept: good vibes lead to good times. The same is true for rituals on a fundamental level even if you do not believe in magick.

Before you perform a ritual you typically know what you are going to do or what outcome you want to work towards. The same is true before a mushroom trip. Your brain starts to switch gears months, days, and seconds before hand. When you are performing the ritual your entire mind is centered on the immediate tasks at hand. The world around you typically disappears, dissociates, or becomes out of focus and less impactful. This is more apparent in a mushroom trip.

As you focus your mind on the spell, incantation, action, or prayer you are thinking of the outcome the entire time. Things that hurt you in the past may surface. Often at this time we are able to process these past events fully or at least see them from a new perspective. For tens of thousands of years ritual was used as a form of individual and group psychotherapy. I am sure I am not the only one who has ever started a ritual, cried like a child with a scuffed knee, then felt better for it. 

To the skeptic who does not believe in the deities within the confines of this book, website or whichever medium, it doesn’t really matter the validity or existence. Your brain centers on the ritual and focuses on the desired outcome. The ritual’s intentions are subconsciously carried by the brain working towards that goal or that outcome or the intention of the spell. Often times then not the goal is achieved and if the person who performed the ritual subscribes the completion to divinity then what harm has taken place?

I subscribe to a duality of magic, one where 50% of the outcome is from psychological manifestations of the individual and the other 50% through mystical means. "Mystical means" may sound loaded because it is. Yet it is the term I will give for the simplification of interactions of chaos theory, quantum mechanics, sociology, straight up luck, or other.

There is something missing from equation that science has yet to understand, that when a magick ritual is performed it is two forces meeting to complete an outcome rather than the totality of the individuals hard work and perseverance, subconsciously or consciously. There is something missing from the equation and many attribute it to deity or to will. However, it may be something we understand little. My conspiracy, and I have no basis for it, is that since our branching from fungus we still maintain the ability to biologically "communicate," and I use that loosely, with all living creatures descended from fungus.

Moving on from theory, magick can be performed within a ritual setting whether that be at home, with friends, or at a ceremony. I urge you to do some research on your own and explore how other people perform magick rituals as long as you follow the Middle Way.

These magick ritual techniques are generally classified as follows:

  • Purification
  • Invocation
  • Banishment
  • Sigil

A note to the uninitiated, enough information is given within the confines here to begin your own path but I would issue extreme caution when invoking deities, entities, and/or Archon’s or when “practicing the dark arts” particularly using chaos magic. 

Magick is itself chaotic by nature. The path to the end goal may not look what you want it to. If you seek money and are not specific or through invoking those you shouldn’t, you may lose your job, all your belonging, and be homeless. Then when you decide to kill yourself one day because you can’t get a job, you get a phone call that leads to a great job making more than you did before previous to being homeless. DO NOT invoke chaos.


Purification magic is just as is sounds: you purify your body, item, or home. Purification magick generally involves heavy bodily preparation including fasting, dieting, and abstinence. During this ritual you cleans your body in oils or water while sage is burnt. Water and oils are typically used as a medium of transference.


Invocation magick is either performed by invoking a specific deity or not invoking one. Invocation can be as simple as a prayer or spell but one should always invoke a deity when performing invocations. This is because when you put your mind out there in The Source, it acts as a beacon and whatever is listening may answer back.


Banishment magick refers to removing of negative attachments and influences on yourself, item, or home. These items can be influenced by fate, luck, or entities out of our range of perception. This type of magick usually requires fasting and specific rituals. It also requires knowing the type of influence these objects are under.


Sigil magick is the art of drawing a concept on a piece of paper and binding it, hiding it, or burning it. This art comes in the form of lines, circles, geometric shapes, letters, and more. A sigil is on the first page of this book. Entire books are devoted to this type of magick.


  • Qabalistic Cross
  • Burning Bowl Ritual
  • Lesser Banishing Ritual
  • Lesser Invocation Ritual
  • Formation of a New Guild
  • Initiation of a New Member
  • Initiate to Journeyman Ritual
  • Journeyman to Master Ritual
  • Guild Master Ritual
  • Grand Master Ritual
  • Seer Ritual
  • Guardian Ritual