Preparedness is the act of being prepared for catastrophic events that disrupt you daily life. Those living through Covid-19 learned this firsthand as they hit the stores and bought anything and everything they could. They were unprepared for the disruption that the pandemic brought with it. Those prepared stayed home and avoided unnecessary exposure. 

Preparedness comes in the short-term and the long-term. Short-term preparedness is the act of storing food that will be consumed in rotation. Rotation refers to eating the oldest food first and maintaining a supply. Sort term storage is usually just an abundance of the same thing you eat on a daily or weekly basis. Long term is the storage of food for 5+ years that is not in rotation. This may be buckets of freeze-dried food, or buckets of rice and beans. This can oats and noodles as well, but the distinction is that these items last years and can be considered a “buy and forget” purchase.

There are thousands of videos and articles online that will teach you down to store short-term and long-term foods. I suggest everyone do their own research. However the most overlooked reality of prepping is not just material goods, it’s support. 

Support starts with family and friends. Forget about prepping groups or even those in the The Novumist Council or those in your Guild. You need the immediate support of friends and family. Talking with them they might be willing to help you in your endeavors. 

Next up is that your spiritual needs. This comes in the form of morals, values, purpose, and meaning. This also typically comes with a worldview in the form of prepping terminology of “population density.” This refers to being outside of the city if anything occurs because the more people around you, the more unexpected results can occur. Humans are animals after all. 

Next up is the material goods such as food, later, firearms, medical, and land. The goal is to have six months of food on hand per person. Water should not be overlook as well. At bare minimum you should be able to purify a consistent water source that is near you.


We encourage responsible gun ownership. However, do you need ten or more firearms? Not unless you hang around people who do not have them. The point is to be around like-minded people, who do have them, know how to use them, and are responsible with them. If you are looking to purchase your first firearm, we recommend a shotgun because it is versatile: you can hunt and defend with it. 

Lastly is wealth, more material goods. Having cash on hand is great and so is some wealth in gold and silver. If you have all the preceding levels in the prepping hierarchy, you already have all the riches in the world and the means to protect it.