6 Paths of Self-Discipline
The 6 Paths of Self-Discipline are borrowed again from Buddhism and updated slightly with modern thought. Buddhism calls this the Eightfold Path. For Novumist’s they have been simplified:
- Path of Livelihood
- Path of Thought
- Path of Action
- Path of Speech
- Path of Effort
- Path of Understanding
Our existence as humans falls within these 6 Paths. Walking the Path is a concept that one does when attempting to live within the guides here. At any stage in our lives, we may be stronger in some areas than in others but as long as you practice Mindfulness, the Middle Way, you can Walk the Path to greatness.
Livelihood is a foundational principle that takes all paths below. It refers to one not living in extreme abundance, with an eye towards minimalism, but capable of being self-reliant while embracing The Middle Way. This is not living in poverty but not abundantly materially wealthy as well. It means not being in a profession that goes against the Path of Action. It means that you are utilizing the paths of Thought, Effort, and Understanding when making decisions on how to live a moral and purpose-driven life.
The Path of Thought refers to being able to identify and bear witness to one’s own mind and the minds of others. This means practicing Mindfulness to identify the activities of the body that may bring about emotions, and ideas, and thoughts that bring suffering. Know yourself in and out, better than anyone ever could. It is a driving force for the Path of Action. It means the renunciation of the self and ego while focusing on thoughts of the Path of Effort.
The Path of Action is all about our abilities to perform morally good actions by being honorable and having high morals. You can achieve this by not stealing for wealth or pleasure, manipulation for profit or gain, or murdering a person. Killing an animal to feed oneself is justified so long as it is honorable, and the animal's meat is used for consumption by you or another. Killing for pleasure is wrong and anything outside of providing substance for yourself or another is not morally just. Killing a lion or elephant where the meat is left to be consumed by nature is not the same. Climbing the corporate or political hierarchy by using others as leverage is not Walking the Path of Action. Most of the time it usually involves internal violations of Speech or Thought or manipulating others which is also a violation.
When we talk we should not lie, slander, or be malicious and always use proper Thought before speaking. When we focus on our speech, we remove ourselves from wrong and harmful speech that could lead to bad actions. It also means we must speak the truth when it may be inappropriate to do so. Use words that are benevolent and meaningful. Negative words create negativity. Positive words create positivity. Try it.
When we choose and maintain the Paths we are embracing the Path of Effort. It can be a conscious daily endeavor to adhere to the Paths and to do good Action in the world. We are all born differently but if we try and continue to try you are Walking the Path of Effort. Effort means to have the right Speech and to keep trying when we fail. When we fail at Thought we learn from our mistakes. When we fail at Action we apologize, make up for it, and strive for betterment. It means that we are striving to have good Livelihood.
The Path of Understanding is knowing that at the end of our lives that the majority of everything we will do, will be for not. It doesn’t mean there isn’t a point to our existence, but rather the culmination of everything you learn or achieved was for someone else’s benefit; your children, grandchildren, or friends. It is found in accepting that living in the present moment, the now, is more important than planning for a future that we may not see. However, you must also take into account that the future may be turbulent, and you may need to prepare for the unknown. The key is not to be absorbed by planning for the unknown or not planning. The Path of Understanding is knowing that life is suffering and that all life is suffering from different angles. Understanding means we must take Action to make the world have less suffering, but we must first start with ourselves before helping others.