​Become a Novumis

Anyone interested in following the Novum Carta should do so for the following reasons:

  1. They are interested in the occult from a historical perspective
  2. They are interested in the ancient mysteries
  3. They understand the psychological significance and reasons of magick and ritual
  4. They may be interested in an ideology that espouses contrarian views on the world
  5. They find truth in what is outlined in this book

That said we should also explore why you should not join and accept this ideology:

  • You are looking for self-help or to better yourself
  • You are looking to fill a void in your soul
  • You are looking for absolute answers to the universe
  • You are looking for money or power
  • You are looking for political change
  • You are looking for personal titles or honorifics

For would-be members let’s begin an introduction. Novum Carta was created by Messenger Ryan after studying the occult mysteries for two decades. Messenger Ryan is not the “Great Leader” in fact the leadership hierarchy at the top is fairly flat. It consists of Messengers and Seers. You can think of hierarchy with Messengers being board members and Seers as being Vice Presidents. There is no CEO. There is no real power structure at the top except for guiding and supporting those below with knowledge and funds.

When the Novum Carta was written it was the culmination of combining and uniting multiple beliefs into a single entity and bringing together Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Buddhism. Interwoven in those beliefs are the occult teachings, symbolism, and the belief that through magick and ritual we can influence the world and ourselves. The political stance of contrarianism and radical centrism in the Novum Carta is not a stance we must all adhere to, and thus is not mandated; it is used as a guide for The Middle Way. When you decide to join, you will need to join a Guild. A guild is a group of people much like yourself. Although nothing is preventing you from doing so, new members can create their own guilds. This is not advised, however, and the reason for this is that we would prefer standardization in Guild formation.

People who join Guilds do so for the experience and the knowledge. The title of Grand Master means nothing if you do not possess the knowledge necessary to answer questions that Acolytes might have. This is true as well when being a Grand Master or Master. Joining is not about titles or control, it is about history, brotherhood/sisterhood, and a need for socialization under the banner of an ideology that brings meaning and purpose.

If no Guild exists then reach out to the Novumist Council at novumism.org and we will help guide you in the creation of your fellowship. If you are looking to fill a void in your soul lacking in purpose and meaning, or to find the answers of existence we cannot help you find it. That is something only you can find yourself. In all likelihood, you may never find the answers for why you exist. That is part of the human condition and in reality, we all think we have the answers, but really everyone is just as confused and lost as you. That aside, we can provide a framework of ritual that can provide a calmness of your mind that may benefit you now and in the future.

Those that join realize the fragility of the future and look for companionship and support. In doing so those members dedicate their free time to learning and having the skills available for such a future. Our minds are just as powerful as our fists and members work on both.


A precept is a formal rule. In the context of the stated progression within a guild, the Precept is a formal rule for how one should conduct their life. Unlike religious laws, precepts when broken have no eternal sin or damnation attached to them. However, they do come with personal shame. This shame should not come from others in the guild but solely through your own dishonor. Oaths are a guiding principle for you to follow and strive for. When becoming an Initiate, the first oath you take is to The Duty as outlined previously. The following pages outline all ranks and precepts.

  • Live in the moment
  • Improve your environment
  • Set good examples
  • Be faithful

  • Be worthy of trust
  • Don’t do anything illegal
  • Harm no one
  • Fulfil your obligations
  • Honor yourself
  • Honor your family
  • Honor your community
  • Bring out others potential

  • Maintain self-control
  • Help all who need it
  • Teach social norms
  • Watch over the welfare of others

  • Seek to live with truth
  • Tolerate all points of view
  • Keep secrets and confessions
  • Be attentive to the environment

  • Safeguard your environment
  • Be moderate in action and speech
  • Honor yourself and others
  • Care for your body and mind

  • Abstain from directly taking sentient life
  • Abstain from taking objects not given to you
  • Abstain from excessive sex or misusing sex
  • Abstain from lying
  • Abstain from hate or ill will towards man
  • Abstain from using more than half of your income