Is There Sin?

There is no such thing as original sin in the Novum Carta. The only sinful act is one that removes ones Right of Life that causes bodily harm to self-aware conscious life where that life could have been extinguished. This is called Transgressing the Right of Life. This means taking a human life is a sin, assault is a sin, and stealing that causes harm among others. There is no concept of accidental exclusions into the Right of Life.

If you are on a mountain top and you trip and push someone off the top of the mountain and that person dies you transgressed. If you are in a riot and your actions caused a fire where someone was greatly burned you transgressed. If you kill a person who killed other people you have transgressed.

The only caveat against the Right to Life is whereas a person murders a sentient creature to feed oneself, family, or community. This is different because most creatures regardless of where they exist in the universe eat one another to survive.

What is the Purpose of The Source?

The Source gives time, consciousness, and a mechanism for existence. Consciousness is a mechanism for streaming self-aware sentient life experience back to The Source. The Source is an experience machine which was created by The Mother for The One. He in return used its abilities to create the universe which is perpetual experience machine. The purpose of The Source is to know everything about everything.

What Happens When We Die?

When we die we return to The Source which determines our fate. If we lead a good life filled with unique life experiences the chances will be that we are reborn again. Our consciousness is transposed into a new body at an early age and we live a new life. The infiniteness of reality is that our new life could be the same as the one before however slightly different. Or it could completely different in all ways.

How Many Lives Do We Live?

All of them. We experience time now because our bodies are streaming consciousness back to The Source. Because we all exist of the same consciousnesses you and I are the same but exist in different bodies. We all come from the same source but different instances of the same thing. So, for all the bad lives you will lead you will have all the great lives as well.

What is the Nature of Good and Evil, Suffering and Pain?

Human life will do as human life does and there is little that can be done. Humans try to control other humans, or use others to get what they do not have. That will always exist. You can not change the human animal and be weary of those that try to create a utopia in the land of the material. There will be no utopia in the physical world. Good and evil are problems of man, not deity.

Suffering is a part of experience and pain part of being a biological entity. As each one of us are experiencing gathering entities it is simply our fate to experience what we experience. The One created existence to experience every possible outcome of pain and suffering in all its forms. Pain and suffering are problems of man, not deity. If man chooses to not suffer the burden is on them individually and collectively.

The One is not good nor evil as a result of allowing these elements to exist, simply apathetic to a fraction of a moment of one being trillions in a timeline of the seemingly infinite.

What is Our Purpose?

We exist to feel and to experience everything we can. We were created to feel all things including pain, loss, suffering, physical ailments, and anxiety. But we were also created to feel joy and happiness. We exist to experience everything and everyone has a burden to carry with them.

Can I Be Saved?

There is no concept of being saved in the Novum Carta. Even if you accidentally murder another person and transgress the Right of Life there is no repentance for that. That is your experience to bear and what happens to you as a consequence is between men and their laws.