
Guilds are a local organizational structure that consists of like-minded people who have banded together to form a group to worship deity and to serve as a means for accountability for practicing The Way. The Way is the 3 Trues of Living and the 6 Paths of Self-Discipline. Members of the guilds are called Acolytes. The ranks of the Acolytes are Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. The Guild Master runs the Guild and is usually appointed for life because he or she formed it.

Grand Masters in the Guild can run the guild however they choose so long as they follow the teachings outlined here. Guilds can be very unique as a result. Once the Guild is registered with the Novumist Council it can obtain special access to downloadable goods that will give them topics for study or conversation. It will give them access to Grand Masters and Seers who oversee a region of Guilds.

Grand Masters are knowledgeable people in the arts of the occult, mysticism, and the esoteric. They will help give Guild Masters the knowledge and support to run a successful group.

Guilds can only contain up to 128 members, but the ideal is 32 active members at any given time. Once a guild reaches 64 members, a second Guild Master may be appointed from within the Guild’s ranks to help support the Guilds initiatives. Grand Masters can only oversee up to 32 individual Guilds. If there are more than 32 Guilds a new Grand Master will be chosen. The Guilds will then be split between the two Grand Masters.


The structure of guilds is similar to that of any trade: Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, and Guild Master. Each rank requires a new oath and a new set of responsibilities. Each rank has special Rites and these rites require special knowledge. Let’s briefly cover those ranks now.


A Guild Master is a possession that oversees the functioning of a guild. Guild Masters can only achieve their ranking after completing the Master rank and accepting the Precepts and Oaths suiting that rank. Guild Masters report to Grand Masters and Seers of a given region. A Guild Masters position is a great one, requires in-depth knowledge of the teachings in this book, and it has many responsibilities. Some of their duties are the following:

  • Give lesson plans to acolytes when they are ready
  • Advance acolytes when they have proventhemselves
  • Make sure acolyte skill levels are balanced across Guilds
  • Deliver and promote news and media from Seers
  • Deliver and promote initiatives from Grand Masters
  • Request fund distribution for acolytes and Guild functions


These ranks signify station within a guild, knowledge level, seniority, and responsibility. One begins as an Apprentice, then as a Journeyman, and ends as a Master. There is no higher level than a Master’s rank. The Master ranks have an additional 16 sub-ranks called Rites that are shared across Guilds.

For each rank, a member must show their level of mastery within a trade. They must have gained a solid understanding of the Novum Carta at each level. They must pledge loyalty to their brothers and sisters and accept the Precepts of their position. Finally, they must guard the esoteric teachings of Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Buddhism.


A Grand Master is one who oversees the Guilds within a region. Their position is one of both knowledge and management. They advise Guild Masters in the teachings of the Novum Carta but also advise them on events within Guilds. They also approve, deny, or redirect funds to Guilds for member benefits as outlined in the Shared Experiences section. They report to a specific Messenger. Some of their duties are the following:

  • Oversee the creation of new Guilds
  • Oversee the management of current Guilds
  • Create and oversee regional events for holidays and special occasions
  • Disperse funds to Guilds


A Seer is a special position with a special duty. Not only are they the ones who “see” into the spiritual realm but their duty is to “see” and analyze worldwide trends and predict future events. This position mimics Seer and Oracle positions of the past in which these leaders knew much about the world but were advisors into the spiritual. Seers are assigned to Grand Master and are chosen by a Messenger. They report to a specific Messenger. Some other duties a Seer may possess may be as follows:

  • Act an officiant when one becomes a Guild Master
  • Advise Grand Masters and Messengers in world events
  • Create videos and podcasts about world events
  • Create videos and podcasts for spiritual guidance