Novumist's believe in a few points: The Doctrine, The Way, Deity, Simple Living, and Preparedness. The Doctrine consists of The Source, The Mother, The One, and The Teacher. The Way consists of following the Middle Way and the 2 States, 3 Truths, and 6 Paths. Novumist's are pagan, adhering to a discipleship of gods and goddesses. We adhere to a strict set of rules and moral guidelines. We believe the Hermetic Principles exist within all things. Finally, Novumist's prepare for the events of man and The Cycles by having a ready supply of goods for survival.
The Doctrine consists of The Source, The Mother, The One, and The Teacher. Neither is revered above another but exists together.
The Source permeates all existence inside this universe and beyond. It is the fabric that creates the particles of our being and from which The Cycles of human experience comes about from. It is the ether from which our will be done, from which fate resides, and destiny originates. The Source is the divine and the spiritual, and the framework for magick to work its ways. It is the home of spiritual entities and deity that exist around us, through us, and it is the place we return to when we shed our mortal bodies. It is the source of consciousness, a perpetual multi-instance communication mechanism, that all sentient beings acquire.
More about The Source is detailed here.
The Mother is an honorific given to the mother of The One. The Mother being the lowest on the hierarchy of goddesses and gods which exist outside The Source wanted a child. She without the permission and without consort made a choice to conceive regardless. After she gave birth to The One the other goddesses and gods banished The One from their kingdom.
They created a new fabric of reality, outside of their own, for which The Source was created and where they banished The One. The One having been created of her divinity had many of her abilities and created the universe in which we exist.
Existing alone in the darkness of nothingness, confined within The Source, The One creates lesser gods and goddesses, our world, many other worlds, and the mechanisms for life to form. When he creates the lesser gods a fraction of his abilities to help manage the universe and the life forms existing in the physical universe. He has no name but only the honorific The One the creator of man, woman, and everything.
The Teacher is one of the highest form of human nature. The highest form of being is one who teaches The Way. The Way can be condensed as thoughts and ideas and ways to live ones life in a productive and honorable manner. It can come in many forms. The Way has existed throughout the age of man changing slightly through the years but the message remains ultimately the same. The Way is taught by The Teacher, an honorific, and there have been many Teachers that have existed in The Cycles of man. Every few hundred years a new Teacher is born and gives us lessons to live by. These lessons come from a source of the divine or of the mind.
As religion faded from humanity it gave rise to philosophy. The Teacher can also be a philosopher so long as their message and their life were exemplary and taught lessons directory or indirectly of The Way. The last religious Teacher was born was Jesus but many have existed before including Buddha and Confucius. The last philosophical Teacher was Carl Jung but many have existed before including Descartes and Plato.
The Way in Novumism is applying The Middle Way and adhering to the States, Truths, and Paths. This is condensed here as a reference but will discuss separately.
- The Hero
- The Anti-Hero
- Life is suffering
- The cause of suffering is craving and control
- The cessation of suffering can be achieved by following the 6 Paths of Self-Discipline
- Path of Livelihood
- Path of Action
- Path of Thought
- Path of Speech
- Path of Effort
- Path of Understanding
The article detailing The Way can be found here.
Novumist's chooses a deity to worship. These deity perform certain functions in The Source and are attributed to various human attributes. These attributes vary from deity to deity. When a Novumist chooses a deity they are choosing a discipleship. Novumist's may move from one discipleship to another as they find one deity more responsive.
When you choose a deity you are choosing a discipleship.
Preparedness is the act of being prepared for catastrophic events that disrupt your daily life. Those living through Covid-19 learned this firsthand as they hit the stores and bought anything and everything they could that being prepared before would have been advantageous. Preparedness isn't just about material its about friends, family, and the spiritual. Once a Novumist secures their more world affairs in food, water, and money. A Novumist should have six months of food on hand per person. Water should not be overlooked as well. At a bare minimum you should be able to purify a consistent water source that is near you.
More detail on preparedness is located here.
In summary the universe was created by The Mother when her son The One was cast out of reality into The Source. He in turn creates the Universe, our world, and fellow gods to manage it. Every few hundred years a human being is born who gives us knowledge that helps advance humanity. Novumist's look to The Mother, The One, The Teacher, and deity for guidance and utilize magick to bend reality to their will. They live simply, within their means, and prepare for the inevitable.